Agave marmorata Roezl ex Ortgies식물/들꽃-용설란과(Agavaceae) 2024. 12. 6. 10:45
국표에 없다.
Origin and Habitat: Oaxaca, Mexico
- Agave marmorata Roezl ex Ortgies
Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Marbled Agave
SPANISH (Español): Huiscole, PisomelDescription: Agave marmorataSN|589]]SN|519]] is an unusual, mid-sized species generally non-suckering with large, broad leaves. It is named “marmorata” (marbled) for the greyish marble-like hue and transverse zones that bar sometimes the leaves especially on specimens grown in full sun.
Stem: stemless or short stemmed.
Rosettes: 1,2-1,3 m wide and up to 2 m in diameter, large with about 30-50 leaves, often prostrate, openly spreading, more or less irregular in shape with contorted leaves flattened on the ground.
Leaves: 100-135 cm long 20-30 cm wide, soft-fleshy, convoluted, recurved from the centre, broadly lanceoate, frequently undulate, thick at base, flat above, convex below, generally characteristically sandpaper-surfaced, dusky green to slightly glaucous, often zonate (distinctly striped) in pale blue and greyish green, but quite variable in differed populations and clones. The shape and patterns of leaves also depends on cultivation conditions. The back of leaves are often purple in young specimens. Margins deeply serrated, teeth more or less numerous, mostly 6-12 mm long, 2-5 cm apart, irregularly arranged on nipples, flattened, mostly straight, castaneous to dark brown, interstitial teeth few or none; apical spine usually short conic, 1.5-3 cm long and horny.
Inflorescence: The inflorescence is a 5-6.5 m tall panicle with stout peduncle and
20-25 large diffuse decompound umbels in upper half of stalk; usually with no bulbils.
Flowers: Small yellow, 40-48 mm long; ovary 20-25 mm long, light green, cylindric, the neck unconstricted and scarcely grooved; tube 5-6 mm deep, 12 mm wide, shallowly funnelfonn, grooved, the sinuses soon spreading; tepals equal, 14- 16 mm long, 4 mm broad, linear, fleshy, erect, involute, the apex galeate, dark colored; filaments 34-37 mm long, inserted in orifice of tube or near base of tube, slender, yellow; anthers 18 mm long yellow.
Fruit: Capsules oblong, 4 it 1.6-1.8 cm slender stipitate, short-beaked, thin-walled
Remarks: Several other agaves species have very contrasting areas: Agave colorata, Agave murpheyi, Agave sobriaSN|505]]SN|22226]], and some selected clones of Agave zebraSN|519]]SN|589]] and Agave americanaSN|162]]SN|162]].
Agave marmorataSN|589]]SN|519]] belongs to the Marmoratae tribe along with Agave gypsophilaSN|22226]]SN|505]], Agave nayaritensis, Agave valenciana and Agave zebraSN|519]]SN|589]]https://youtu.be/8avEAACqeDQ?t=1328
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