섬잣나무 글라우카 그룹-[정명] Pinus parviflora Glauca Group식물/들꽃-소나무과(Pinaceae) 2024. 12. 5. 16:08
The name Pinus parviflora Glauca Group represents blue-needled selections of the lovely Japanese white pine. Each of their blue needles has a white stripe. These slow-growing evergreen trees form a dense, conical pyramid when they are young and gradually develop wide-spreading branches and a flat-topped shape with maturity. The combination of handsome foliage and attractive overall shape make blue-needled Japanese white pines outstanding garden trees.
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An evergreen coniferous tree capable of reaching 10-15m (33-50ft) high and as much across. when mature. The trees have a densely conical profile when young, but as they mature their shape becomes more spreading. The bark is smooth and greyish-black when young but becomes fissured on older trees. The silvery blue-green needles are stiff and produced in groups of five at the tips of new stems. They are approximately 7.5cm (3in) long and somewhat twisted, giving the trees canopy a ruffled texture. The cones are oval and reddish brown, and produced either singly, or in small clusters and can persist on the tree for around six or seven years, so that over the years, the accumulated numbers of cones remaining on older trees can be very noticeable.
Pinus parviflora Glauca Group|Japanese white pine Glauca Group/RHS Gardening
Pinus parviflora (Glauca Group) 'Glauca' - Shoot (shootgardening.com)
Pinus parviflora 'Glauca' (Japanese White Pine) (gardenia.net)
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