Geranium robertianum L.식물/들꽃-쥐손이풀과(Geraniaceae) 2024. 11. 25. 12:44
국표에 없다.
Geranium robertianum, commonly known as herb-robert, or (in North America) Robert's geranium, is a species of cranesbill that is widespread throughout the northern hemisphere and introduced to some countries in the southern. It is common in woods, hedges, gardens, and on waste ground, and can also be found on shingle beaches and limestone pavements. It is not regarded as being rare or threatened, but in some places it is considered to be invasive.
Herb-robert is a small, usually biennial but sometimes annual or even short-lived perennial herb that typically grows to about 30 cm (1 ft) tall and broad, or sometimes up to about twice that size. Young plants have a very short vegetative stem with effectively a basal rosette of leaves on long (2-5 cm) petioles, while older plants put up flowering stems from the axils of one or more of these basal leaves. The flowering stems can arise vertically or sprawl along the ground, and some of them can turn into stolons by putting down roots at the nodes. The whole plant is variously hairy, with a mixture of long simple hairs and shorter gland-tipped ones. Fresh material has a strong unpleasant odour when bruised or uprooted, but this property fades with time. Its colour can vary from entirely green, to reddish at the nodes or on the stems or leaves, or the whole plant (except the petals) can be bright red, especially when growing in bright sunshine.
The leaves are arranged alternately along the stems, and are typically divided into three stalked lobes, the lower two of which are further split to produce a 5-lobed (palmate) outline, up to about 11 cm in diameter in the largest, lower leaves. The leaflets are deeply lobed and toothed, with a short mucronate tip on each lobe.
Flowering occurs from early spring to late autumn in northern Europe and plants remain green over winter. The inflorescence is on a long peduncle, which arises opposite a leaf on the flowering stem, and consists of a pair of bisexual pink flowers, 12-16 mm in diameter, on short (1 cm) pedicels. Often one of the two flowers in a pair will be abortive. The five sepals are about 5 mm long, lanceolate and coated with both pink-tipped glandular and eglandular hairs. The petals are from 8 to 14 mm long, purplish-pink with white stripes, and with the claw (stalk-like basal part) slightly shorter than the limb. There is no notch in the top of the petals, unlike in some other geraniums. There are 10 stamens in two rings of 5 that project slightly beyond the flower, with purple anthers and yellow pollen; the inner ring of anthers opens first. The female part of the flower consists of 5 carpels with one style, which is divided into 5 pink stigmas at the top. These are already spread when the flower opens, which facilitates self-pollination, although cross-pollination also occurs.
The fruit is a schizocarp, which splits into 5 cylindrical, 2.5 mm long, mericarps on maturity. These are situated at the base of the style, the base of which (the column) elongates to about 1.5 cm as the fruit develops. Connecting the tip of the style to the mericarp is a strip of material called an awn. When the fruit is ripe, the awn curls upwards explosively from the base, ejecting the fruits a distance of a metre of so from the parent plant.
Geranium robertianum - Wikipedia
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