Martynia annua L.식물/들꽃-마마르티니아과(Martyniaceae) 2024. 11. 23. 09:42
국표에 없다.
The following description is from the Flora of China Editorial Committee (2016):M. annua is an erect herb, 30-100 cm tall. Stems are terete, usually woody at base, 2 cm in diameter. Petiole 6-18 cm; leaf blade broadly ovate to triangular-ovate, 9-22 x 9-20 cm, base cordate, margin sinuolate-dentate, apex acute. Inflorescences 10-20-flowered; bracts pale red, broadly ovate, 1.2-2.5 x 0.7-1.3 cm, membranous; bractlets ovate-oblong; 0.6-1.5 cm x 4-10 mm. Calyx lobes are pale yellow-green. Corolla is dark red, white to pale red adaxially, with pale purple-red spots, 3-4 cm; lobes semi-rounded, with yellow and purple spots adaxially, purple striated abaxially. Filaments are white, glabrous, 1-1.5 cm. Capsules ovoid, 3.5-4 x 2-2.5 cm, 0.5-1.5 cm thick, with hook-like apical beak with 5 mm, densely glandular pubescent, spiny along suture.Distribution
M. annua is native to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (Gutierrez, 2009; USDA-ARS, 2016). It has been widely grown as an ornamental and medicinal herb and now it can be found naturalized in Australia, New Caledonia, South-eastern Asia, India and tropical Africa (MacKee, 1994; Smith, 2002; Flora of China Editorial Committee, 2016; PROTA, 2016; Weeds of Australia, 2016).Martynia annua (tiger's claw) | CABI Compendium (cabidigitallibrary.org)
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