Corynandra chelidonii (L.f.) Cochrane & Iltis식물/들꽃-풍접초과(Capparaceae) 2024. 11. 21. 19:28
국표에 없다.
Corynandra species are annual or perennial herbs. Stem simple or sparsely branched, glabrous or grandular pubescent, foetid or sometimes with scattered prickly appendages. Leaves simple, spiral or digitately 3-13 foliate, lanceolate to oblanceolate, margin entire or serrate, lower leaves petiolate, upper ones subsessile to sessile, stipules scalelike, caducous or absent. Inflorescence racemes, solitary to many flowered, terminal. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic or rarely actinomorphic, pedicellate, bracts membranous or leaflike, caducous or persistent, sepals 4, equal, valvate, free or slightly fused at the base, subtending nectary glands at the base, pubescent, petals 4, equal or unequal, usually clawed at base, longer than the sepals. Stamens 4-6, filament inserted on a discoid, declinate, glabrous, anthers linear oblong. Ovary superior, bicarpellary, sessile or on short gynophore, unilocular, ovules many on parietal 2 placentae, style short or absent, stigma capitate. Fruit capsule, dehiscent, linear oblong, with persistent seed bearing replum. Seeds 10-50, orbicular or reniform, cleft fused between 2 ends, surface smooth, reticulate or warty, embryo straight.
Corynandra chelidonii (L. f.) Cochrane & Iltis ex Spreng. | Species (indiabiodiversity.org)
Buscador de registro de presencia (gbif.org)
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