Cynanchum sarcomedium Meve & Liede식물/들꽃-협죽도과(Apocynaceae) 2024. 11. 21. 16:55
국표에 없다.
Common name: Leafless Climbing Milkweed • Hindi: Phok • Tamil: Kodikalli
Botanical name: Cynanchum sarcomedium Family: Apocynaceae (Oleander family)
Synonyms: Sarcostemma intermedium
Leafless Climbing Milkweed is a leafless climber with branches fleshy, round, jointed; latex milky. Flowers are borne in umbels at branch-ends, 5-15 flowered. Flowers are creamy; flower-stalks 0.7-1.2 cm, creamy, finely velvet-hairy. Calyx is 5-lobed; sepals ovate-lanceshaped, about 2 mm. Flowers are 1.4-1.8 cm across, 5-petalled; petals about 6 x 3 mm, oblong, bluntly pointed at tip. Outer corona 10-lobed, wavy, about 2 mm; inner about 2 mm. Pollinia 5. Stigma tapering at tip. Fruit is smooth 7-10 cm long; seeds oblong, about 5 x 2 mm, winged; coma silky. Leafless Climbing Milkweed is endemic to Peninsular India. Flowering: August-December.Cynanchum sarcomedium - Leafless Climbing Milkweed (flowersofindia.net)
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