Cyananthus microphyllus Edgew.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2024. 11. 21. 11:27
국표에 없다.
Cyananthus microphyllus, called the small-leaved bluebell-flower, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Cyananthus, native to the western Himalayas, Nepal, and Tibet. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
The following subspecies are currently accepted:
- Cyananthus microphyllus subsp. microphyllus
- Cyananthus microphyllus subsp. williamsonii K.K.Shrestha
Cyananthus microphyllus - Wikipedia
Botanical Description
integer of gardens). Thyme-like ovate leaves 2-5mm long on a profusion of wiry stems, forming a mat about 30cm across. Flowers violet-blue, 2-2.5cm wide, the corolla tube short and the calyx bearing conspicuous black hairs. Nepal to S.W. Tibet.
a, C. lobatus; b, C. microphyllus;
Cyananthus microphyllus - Alpine Garden Society
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