
  • Amoreuxia wrightii A.Gray
    식물/들꽃-홍목과(Bixaceae) 2024. 10. 24. 20:16

    국표에 없다.

    Stems 15–50 cm, glabrous or sparsely lanulose-puberulent (mostly on young growth), glandular. Leaves: petiole 3–8 cm, subglabrous to sparsely lanulose-puberulent (mostly on young growth), glandular; blade 5(7)-lobed, 3–5 × 4–7 cm, lobes subrhombic, distal half of margins serrate, apex rounded to acute, tooth of central lobe apex most distal. Peduncles 2.5–5 cm. Flowers 3–7.5 cm diam.; sepals narrowly oblong-ovate, 17–20 × 5–8 mm, apex acute; petals pinkish to orange, distal petals with 2 conspicuous purplish mark at base; distal set of filaments 5–10 mm with yellow anthers, proximal set of filaments 11–17 mm with usually dark red anthers; ovary usually short-haired-lanate to tomentose or puberulent (glandular). Capsules oblong-obovoid, 3–6 cm, sparsely pubescent (glandular). Seeds globose to ovoid, glabrous. 2n = 12.

    Flowering May–Jul(–Oct). Dry, rocky or gravelly hills, plains, deserts, grasslands, shrublands, along roads or railroads, limestone soil, silty flats; 0–400 m; Tex.; Mexico; West Indies (Curaçao); South America (Peru).

    Amoreuxia wrightii is morphologically homogeneous throughout its disjunct range (H. H. Poppendieck 1981).

    Amoreuxia wrightii in Flora of North America @ efloras.org

    Cochlospermum (family Bixaceae).
    국표에서는 홍목과

    Bixaceae 홍목과 1 1
    재배식물 정명 Bixa orellana L. 빅사 오렐라나 2011/12/08



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