Cheiridopsis namaquensis (Sond.) H.E.K.Hartmann식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2024. 10. 14. 10:11
국표에 없다.
Scientific Name
Cheiridopsis namaquensis (Sond.) H.E.K.Hartmann
Mesembryanthemum namaquense
Scientific Classification
Family: Aizoaceae
Subfamily: Ruschioideae
Tribe: Ruschieae
Genus: CheiridopsisDescription
Cheiridopsis namaquensis is a dwarf succulent that forms a compact clump of pairs of opposite leaves. It can grow up to 2.4 inches (6 cm) tall. The leaves are triangular in cross-section, end in a short sharp point, and are pressed against each other when not forced open by flowers or new leaves. They are pale green-grey and covered with dark spots.
The solitary flowers have numerous pale yellow, sometimes slightly purplish near the tips, and appear on a short stalk in late winter and early spring. The fruits are capsules with ten or more locules. They open when moist and close when dry.
'식물 > 들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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