Titanopsis primosii L. Bolus식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2024. 10. 12. 11:17
국표에 없다.
Origin and Habitat: Southern Namibia.
Habit: The delicate, frosted wafers of Titanopsis promosii grows thickly nestled into greysh-white pebbles and gravel which this Titanopsis resembles to an unbelievable degree, this camouflage allows them to escape detection and is a very effective strategy for escaping predation. It comes from winter rainfall areas but will easily adapt to a summer watering regime and is probably the most common among these plants.Description: Titanopsis primosiiSN|13463]]SN|13463]] is a local or morphological form of the variable Titanopsis schwantesiiSN|13458]]SN|13458]]. It distinguishes for the upper surface with chunky white, grey or flesh-coloured regular warts which look very rock-like in habitat. Flowers yellow with flesh coloured tips.
Habit: It is a mat forming succulent with clusters of basal rosettes.
Stem: Very short with internodes not visible.
Rosettes: up to 5(-7) cm wide, usually with 6-8 (or more) crowded opposite leaves.
Leaves: Short, fleshy, spathulate, with rounded ends up to 3 cm long and 3-7 mm broad toward the base and up to 12 mm broad above, mostly chunky white or grey. Upper and lower surface covered with greyish-white, flesh-coloured flat warts. Old leaves will die off very slowly.
Flowers: Solitary, stalked, with usual mesemb ‘daisy’ form, 15-18 mm in diameter, pale yellow with flesh coloured tips, occasiaonally orangish or pinkish (usually pale canary yellow in Titanopsis schwantesiiSN|13458]]SN|13458]]). Petals numerous in two whorls. Sepals 5(-6) with tubercles like those on the leaves and with membranous margin. Stigmas 5-6
Blooming season: Titanopsis primosiiSN|13463]]SN|13463]] flowers in the afternoon in early spring.
Fruit: Capsules 5-6-chamberd.Titanopsis primosii (llifle.com)
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