
  • Escobaria missouriensis (Sweet) D.R.Hunt
    식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 11. 17:18

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: This cactus has a very wide distribution, and is very common in some areas in the U.S.A.: (Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska., New Mexico, North Dakota., Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wyoming) and northern Mexico (Nuevo Leon)
    The missouriensis variety ranges from Idaho to North Dakota, south on the Great Plains to Nebraska, and in the Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateaus to New Mexico and Arizona
    Habitat: Found on dry plains, short-grass prairies and rocky shallow uplands, often on limestone soils and under ponderosa pine and in Pinyon-juniper woodland, or Quercus gambelii, loamy places, often restricted to sedimentary rocks.


    See all synonyms of Escobaria missouriensis


    Description: Escobaria missouriensisSN|9953]]SN|10274]] (a.k.a. Neobesseya missouriensisSN|10277]]SN|10277]]) is a low growing winter hardy cactus species. This is one of the most variable species in the genus and has lots of unnecessary synonyms ( like many other cacti) and comprises a multitude of different regional forms as well as various cryptic allied species. But where each form is linked to others by populations of plants with intermediate characteristics.
    Habit: Unbranched or profusely branched (eastern populations) and occasionally forming clumps up to 30 cm in diameter.
    Roots: Diffuse or short taproots, sometimes adventitious from bases of branches.
    Stems: Deep-seated in substrate, becoming flat-topped and nearly subterranean in winter, 2-8 wide, 1-10 cm tall.
    Tubercles: 5-21 soft; areolar glands absent.
    Areoles: With short white wool, not obscuring the basal portion of the spine.
    Spines: 6-21 per areole, slightly pubescent, bright white, pale grey, or pale tan, weathering to grey or yellowish brown, dark brownish orange to pale brown or pale greyish pink tips present on all or only the largest plants.
    Radial spines: 6-20 per areole, moderately to tightly appressed, 4-16 mm
    Central spines: 0(-3) per areole, if 1, erect, if 2, ascending-spreading, 8-20 mm long.
    Flowers: Nearly apical, 18-50 mm long, 15-50 mm wide tepals, fringed (rarely entire), pale greenish yellow to yellow-green, with midstripes of green or rose-pink to pale brown.
    Filaments: Brighter pink than inner tepals, pinkish with greenish white bases, or uniformly whitish.
    Anthers: Bright yellow.
    Stigma lobes: 3-7, green or yellowish, 1-5 mm.
    Fruits: Bright orange-red to scarlet when mature, spheric to ellipsoid, 5-10 mm, slightly succulent but not juicy, floral remnant weakly persistent, often lost through weathering.
    Remarks: At first glance it seems very much like Escobaria viviparaSN|10274]]SN|9953]] but the strange copper flower colour and brightly coloured fruit will quickly distinguish it. Though not exactly showy, the straw-yellow, brown, or amber flowers are quite appealing, as are the bright red fruit that persist from late summer to spring. It is variable over its huge range, and worth obtaining in various forms.


    Escobaria missouriensis (llifle.com)


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