Eulychnia taltalensis (F.Ritter) Hoxey식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 9. 25. 19:35
국표에 없다.
Erect and freely branching from the base and usually without a trunk. 3-5 m tall.
Considered to be closely related to E. iquiquensis. A unique character of E. taltalensis is the distinct arrangement of spines between juvenile and mature flowering stems. Juvenile growth has much stronger spines which in mature stems become much weaker and more flexible, sometimes hair-like. The dark brown felted areoles (without wool or hair) and the dark brown wool on the flower tube and fruit are further differences (Hoxey & Klaassen, 2011).
Eulychnia taltalensis (F. Ritter) Hoxey | The Endemic Plants of Chile (rbge.org.uk)
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