케팔로투스 폴리쿨라리스-[정명] Cephalotus follicularis Labill.식물/들꽃-케팔로투스과(Cephalotaceae) 2024. 8. 29. 07:41
과명 앵글러- Cephalotaceae 속명 Cephalotus (케팔로투스속) 전체학명 [정명] Cephalotus follicularis Labill. 추천명 케팔로투스 폴리쿨라리스 영문명 Australian pitcher plant 국표에는 과명이 없다.
케팔로투스(Cephalotus follicularis)는 케팔로투스속(Cephalotus)의 유일종으로 식충 포충낭 식물이다. 짧은 줄기의 로제트로 자라며 식충 활동 할 수 있는 포충엽과 식충 활동 할 수 없는 비포충엽이 같이 자란다. 포충엽은 다자라면 3 cm 정도로 주머니와 같이 속이 비어 있으며 잎 위에는 벌레가 들어가는 입구와 뚜껑이 있다. 반면 비포충엽은 잎이 계란형 모양이며 포충엽과 달리 납작하다. 꽃대는 50cm정도이며 꽃은 원추화서로 하얀꽃이 핀다. 식충식물 애호가 사이에서 어느 정도 인기가 있다. 호주 서남부 재러 숲, 에스퍼런스 평원 모래가 있는 습지에 산다.
계통 분류
다음은 괭이밥목의 계통 분류이다.
Cephalotus follicularis is a popular plant among collectors for many reasons. Its small size and intricate pitchers make it a great addition to any terrarium or sunny windowsill. Evolutionarily, Cephalotus is placed in a separate family and thus has no close connections with other carnivorous plant taxa. Its remote placement makes it desirable for institutions and people trying to collect representative members of the diverse carnivorous plants.
Cephalotus can be a tricky plant to cultivate, but the problems are easily solved if the plant is given a little special attention. The main cause of “sudden Cephalotus death syndrome” (which is rapid plant collapse) appears to be root rot. The reason for suspecting the roots is because when the crowns of Cephalotus die, the plant recovers from the roots or stem.
Unlike many other carnivorous plants, Cephalotus does not like to be grown in trays of deep water as is done with other genera such as Sarracenia, Utricularia and many Drosera. The continually wet conditions appear to make the plant prone to rot. Unfortunately, Cephalotus does not show any outward symptoms of rot or distress until it is too late and then the plant collapses quickly.
However Cephalotus can be easily grown in tall pots sitting in a small amount of water without overhead watering. The trick is to use a soil mix appropriate for your growing conditions. It may take some experiments and you may lose some plants in the process. A healthy, well adjusted Cephalotus will maintain water in its pitchers. Increase the organic matter in the soil if the pitchers are dry. If plants die, decrease the organic matter and use a "mulch" of pure, coarse sand.
Growers of Cephalotus all have their favorite soil recipe for the plants so there is no real consensus about what the “ideal” soil mixture should be. We have found that 75% sand / 25% peat or sphagnum appears to work well for our plants at the Conservatory. This mix is rather porous and readily drains water, thus reducing the chance of root rot. Other mixes that contained either pumice or perlite were also acceptable. I also personally like to add a layer (¼ to ½ an inch) of pure sand on the top of the soil. This keeps the crown of the plant a little dryer and helps retard the growth of moss.
Cephalotus grow best and are the most colorful with a lot of light. South facing windowsills are the best for them, but east and west will sometimes work. The plants grow well in both greenhouses and in terrariums. They can even survive outdoors in the intense summer sun and heat of Davis, although the plants were considerably smaller than the ones grown in the greenhouses. The plants also can withstand light frosts with no damage.
Growing Cephalotus follicularis | ICPS (carnivorousplants.org)