Eleorchis japonica (A.Gray) F.Maek식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2024. 8. 28. 18:46
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Orchid Species: Eleorchis japonica
(This name is currently accepted by Kew.)
Eleorchis japonica is an orchid species identified by (A.Gray) F.Maek. in 1935.GenusEleorchis (Elo.)Grexjaponica
(name currently accepted by Kew)ParentsSpeciesAuthor(A.Gray) F.Maek.Year1935ORIGIN: A rarely seen cultivated or in nature, cold growing terrestrial orchid from Japan.
DESCRIPTION: A rarely seen cultivated or in nature, cold growing terrestrial orchid from Japan.
-- information provided by Jay Pfahl, author of the Internet Orchid Species Encyclopedia (IOSPE).Other NamesGenus NameGenusGrex NameYearAuthorAdd+ Eleorchis Elo conformis 1935 F.Maek. Add+ Bletilla Ble japonica 1911 (A.Gray) Schltr. Add+ Arethusa Aret japonica 1859 A.Gray orchids.org/grexes/eleorchis-japonica
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