꽃냉이-[정명] Cardamine pratensis L.식물/들꽃-배추과(Brassicaceae) 2024. 7. 28. 16:07
과명 Engler- APG Ⅳ-Brassicaceae(배추과) 속명 Cardamine (황새냉이속) 전체학명 [정명] Cardamine pratensis L. 추천명 꽃냉이 비추천명 꽃황새냉이,매운황새냉이 영문명 Mayflower 분포
한국(북부), 북반구 북부
숲 밑
높이는 20~30cm이다.
줄기잎은 깃 모양으로 깊이 갈라지고, 갈래는 선형이다. 근생엽은 모여나기하고, 깃 모양으로 갈리지고, 갈래는 둥근 모양이다.
꽃은 연한 홍자색이고, 총상꽃차례를 이루며, 꽃잎은 꽃받침 길이의 2배 가량이다.
국가생물종지식정보시스템 > 식물자원 > 식물도감 > 이름으로찾기 (nature.go.kr)
Cardamine pratensis, the cuckoo flower, lady's smock, mayflower, or milkmaids, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae. It is a perennial herb native throughout most of Europe and western Asia. The specific name pratensis is Latin for "meadow".
Cardamine pratensis is a herbaceous, hairless, perennial plant growing to 40–60 cm tall, with pinnate leaves 5–12 cm long with 3–15 leaflets, each leaflet about 1 cm long. The flowers are produced on a spike 10–30 cm long, each flower 1–2 cm in diameter with four very pale violet-pink (rarely white) petals. The style of the fruit is short or longish. It grows best close to water.
Its common name cuckoo flower derives from the formation of the plant's flowers at around the same time as the arrival each spring of the first cuckoos in the British Isles. An alternative 16th century dated tale refers to 'cuckoo spit', which the plant is sometimes covered in, due to a bug called the froghopper and not the cuckoo.
Cardamine pratensis - Wikipedia
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