
  • 향나무 '가이즈카'-[정명] Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka'
    식물/들꽃-측백나무과(Cupressaceae) 2024. 7. 22. 09:00
    과명 Cupressaceae (측백나무과) 속명 Juniperus (향나무속)
    전체학명 [정명] Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka' 추천명 향나무 '가이즈카'
    비추천명 가이즈까향나무    


    Common Name: Hollywood juniper  
    Type: Needled evergreen
    Family: Cupressaceae
    Zone: 4 to 9
    Height: 15.00 to 30.00 feet
    Spread: 10.00 to 15.00 feet
    Bloom Time: Non-flowering
    Bloom Description: Non-flowering
    Sun: Full sun
    Water: Medium
    Maintenance: Low
    Leaf: Evergreen
    Attracts: Birds
    Fruit: Showy
    Other: Winter Interest
    Tolerate: Deer, Drought, Erosion, Dry Soil, Shallow-Rocky Soil, Air Pollution


    Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerant of a wide variety of soils including clay. Intolerant of wet soils. Tolerant of some drought once established. Also tolerant of many city air pollutants.

    'Kaizuka' reportedly has good salt tolerance.

    Noteworthy Characteristics

    Juniperus chinensis, commonly called Chinese juniper, is a dioecious evergreen conifer that is native to China, Japan, Mongolia and the Himalayas. It is often seen in the wild as a conical tree to 50’ tall and 20’ wide, but also appears in much shorter shrubby or spreading forms. Foliage is dark green. Brown bark on mature stems peels in strips. Although species plants are rarely sold in commerce, a large number of cultivated varieties ranging in size from large trees to large/small shrubs to low-growing groundcovers have become popular ornamental landscape plants. Chinese juniper leaves come in two types: scale-like (adult) and awl/needle-like (juvenile). Cones (pollen and seed-bearing) appear on different plants. Male plants produce catkin-like pollen cones. Female plants produce fleshy, berry-like, whitish-blue seed cones that usually acquire violet-brown tones as they mature over two years.

    Genus name comes from the Latin name for the juniper.

    Specific epithet means of China.

    'Kaizuka' is an irregular upright female form that is grown as a shrub or small tree to 15-30' tall and to 10-15' wide. Shape can vary considerably from plant to plant. It features rich, scale-like, bright green foliage clustered on upright, slightly twisted shoots. 'Kaizuka' was introduced in the U. S. from Japan in 1920. It quickly became a popular landscape plant in the southwestern U. S. and California. Numerous plantings in Los Angeles led to the common name of Hollywood juniper. An improper attempt was made to assign the cultivar name of 'Torulosa' to this plant, and some authorities may list this plant as Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' rather than by the correct, original Japanese cultivar name. Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka' TORULOSA (as a trade name) is acceptable. Foliage is attractive throughout the year.

    Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka' - Plant Finder (missouribotanicalgarden.org)


    ▣원산지 : 일본
    ▣분포지역 : 바닷가에서 내률지역까지 어느땅이나 가리지 않고 전국적으로 잘  자란다.         
    ▣성상 : 상록침엽교목
    ▣수형 : 원추형
    ▣크기 : 수고10~15m 
    ▣잎 : 잎은 밀생하고 7~8년생부터 인엽이 생기며 엽서는 4-6줄로 배열되어 있다. 향나무에 비해 잎전체가 비늘잎이고 측지가 나선상으로 뒤틀리며 작은가지가  예각으로 달린다.
    ▣꽃 : 이가화로 암꽃은 구형으로 지름이 1.5mm 이며 황색이고 수꽃은 타원형으로 길이 3mm이고 연한 자갈색이며 4월에 개화한다.
    ▣열매 : 구과는 구형 또는 편구형으로 자흑색이며 10월에 익고 종자는 길이 6mm, 지름3.7mm로 다갈색이다.
    ▣줄기 및 수피 : 수피는 흑갈색 또는 적갈색으로 세로로 갈라지며 울퉁불퉁하다.
    ▣뿌리 : 천근성
     ▣이식력 : 용이함
    ▣생육 입지 및 특성 : 공해에 강하고 내한성이 강하며 양수로 햇볕을 좋아하고  수분이 적당하며 비옥한곳에서 잘 자란다. 특히 맹아력이  강하고 이식력이 용이하다.
     ▣용도: 지엽이 치밀하고 전정에 강해 정형식 식재공간에서 강조용 독립수로 적합하며 열식하여 차폐식재, 경계식재로 이용하며 공해서 강해서 완충식재로 이용할 수 있다.
    ▣번식방법 : 실생과 삽목
    ▣병해충 병해 
    -병해 : 녹병, 가지마름병 
    -병충 : 측백나무하늘소
    ▣방제 : 다이센M-45 800배액, 켈센 1,000~2,000






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