Passiflora Manicata (Juss.) Pers식물/들꽃-시계꽃과(Passifloraceae) 2024. 3. 9. 21:11
국표에 없다.
Passiflora manicata is a species of Passiflora from Colombia and Ecuador.
Passiflora manicata - Wikipedia
Native to South America, Passiflora manicata is a vigorous vine or creeper plant that is fast-growing and can reach up to 3 metres in height. It prefers full sun or semi-shade and should be given regular water to flower. If grown in a pot in colder climates, give it moderate water and protect it from winter frosts.
Passiflora manicata produces beautiful red and crimson flowers, tinged with vinous hues. Its flowers are fragrant and often attract butterflies. The plant then yields an egg-shaped edible fruit which can be used in different recipes and offers many health benefits. A single plant can provide several fruits at the same time, and depending on the variety, several crops per year.
The sweet passionfruit derived from Passiflora manicata is rich in dietary fibers, iron and magnesium, and an excellent source of vitamin C. If consumed ripe, it contains small amounts of alkaloids - including nicotine, caffeine and the sedative harman. Drinking juice squeezed from this fruit has many health properties, such as relieving insomnia, dyspepsia, hypertension, and digestive problems.
This tropical plant is perfect for enhancing balconies, terraces, and gardens. It is hardy to USDA zone 9-11, making it a great choice for those living in those regions with sufficiently warm climates.
Passiflora manicata, Red Passionflower (toptropicals.com)
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