Acacia pataczekii D.I.Morris식물/들꽃-Mimosaceae과 2024. 2. 23. 13:25
국표에 없다.
Acacia pataczekii (commonly known as Pataczek's wattle or Wally's wattle) is a rare leguminous species of flowering plant endemic to Tasmania, Australia. An attractive evergreen shrub to small tree grown ornamentally outside of its native range, it is believed to be the most frost hardy of all the Acacia.
Erect and bushy shrub or tree 4–6 m high (rarely to 9 m) and variable width belonging to the subgenus Phyllodineae. Bark and branches pruinose. Young branches are angular and may be reddish brown where exposed to direct sunlight. Adult foliage is of flattened leaf stalks (known as Phyllodes), grey-green to a bluish-glaucous colour, glabrous, on raised stem-projections, variable in shape and size, (narrowly oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, sometimes obovate) but more commonly obliquely elliptic, 2–6 cm (<10 cm) long, 8–20 mm (<50 mm) wide, with a sharp leaf tip, prominent thickened margins and midrib. On the upper margin approx. 2–4 mm (<10) from the base of the phyllode a conspicuous, small, oval shaped gland is present. Inflorescence occurs mostly in spring in axillary racemes longer than the phyllodes, consisting of 10-15 bright yellow globular flowers resulting in seed pods that are flat and narrowly oblong 2.5-4.5 cm long and 7–11 mm wide. The purplish brown pod contains 3-6 flattened, brown seeds.
Distribution and habitat
Acacia pataczekii is native to the Australian island state of Tasmania with a limited range in pockets predominantly within the north east at altitudes between approx. 500–1400 m asl; however, natural populations do occur in the Southern Midlands Region and also does well under cultivation at sea level.[4][18][21] It naturally exists as a shrub layer, understory tree or as scattered individuals in moist gullies and flats, mountain summits, slopes and plateau scarps in low woodland to tall open, dry, wet and mixed Eucalyptus forests, most of which dominated by Eucalyptus delegatensis.
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