Drimia intricata (Baker) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt식물/들꽃-Hyacinthaceae과 2023. 12. 30. 15:10
국표에 없다.
Origin and Habitat: Drimia intricataSN|28078]]SN|28078]] is an extremely wide-ranging African bulb found in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Angola, Tanzania, Namibia and Republic of South Africa
Altitude range: 250 - 3540 metres above sea level.
Habitat and ecology: Well drained stony places on flat-topped rocks and rock-crevices.Synonyms:
- Drimia intricata (Baker) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt
See all synonyms of Drimia intricataCommon Names include:
ENGLISH: Climbing onion
AFRIKAANS (Afrikaans): LosbolDescription: Drimia intricataSN|28078]]SN|28078]], commonly used to be know as Schizobasis intricataSN|28079]]SN|28079]], is an odd bulbous geophyte plant with and a thick shock of intricately branched, wiry stems10-50 cm tall, which has taken over the function of photosynthesis from the leaves. It is related to Bowiea volubilisSN|11066]]SN|11066]], which has a scrambling inflorescence, and also occurs in the same area. D. intricata, is sometimes cultivated, as a bulbous or as a succulent plant, with its bulbs partially exposed. It is a very fragile, tender and small plant.
Bulbs: Mature bulb pale green to brownish, half-submerged, depressed-globose 2.5-5(-6) cm in diameter, tunics white or pink very loose. With time a plant may form a small dome of clustered bulbs.
Leaves: 1-2 or more in the young plants only, terete, filiform, erect, 6-10 cm long, ephemeral, vanishing before the stems appear. The leaves in the adult plant, as in Bowiea, are restricted to the bulb scales.
Stems: Stems erect, wiry, 8-30(-50) cm long including the inflorescence
Inflorescence: 1 to 3, erect, to 50 cm long, much branched, branches ± at right-angles. Peduncle as long as the panicle, zigzag at the nodes, sometimes spirally twisted. Bracts 2 - 3 mm, spurred at the base, spurs up to 3 mm. Panicle 8-15 cm long and broad, very lax, corymbose, with zigzag rachises and slender, spreading, or ascending pedicels (1.2-)7-50 mm long, arcuate-ascending, articulated at the apex.
Flowers: 3-merous. Perianth campanulate, ca. 2 mm long. Tepals, six, oblong, obtuse, joined at the base and then spreading out, white to pale yellow, with a distinct brown keel, spreading, to 4 mm. Stamens fused to the base of the tepal and slightly shorter than the tepal. Ovules about 6 in a cell. It is be self-fertile.
Blooming season: It flowers very early in summer and the fruits are born easily, and the seeds can be harvested some weeks later. Individual flowers open at night.
Fruits (capsules): Ellipsoid, up to 5 mm that split open at maturity.
Seeds: Course-ground black, flattened, up to 2.5 mm.Drimia intricata / 10 seeds (Climbing Onion) - UnusualSeeds
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