Othonna pygmaea Compton식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2023. 12. 7. 11:42
국표에 없다.
- J. S. African Bot. 19: 141 (1953)
This name is a synonym of Othonna cacalioides L.f. by Asteraceae.
The record derives from TICA (data supplied on 2022-04-20) which reports it as a synonym of Othonna cacalioides L.f.
Dwarf perennial to 10 cm, from tuber-like caudex. Leaves tufted, spathulate, mostly slightly toothed above, brown-woolly in axils, emerging at flowering time. Flower heads minutely radiate, several in lax corymbs on slender peduncles, yellow.
- Provided by: [B].e-Flora of South Africa
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난쟁이는 덩이줄기 모양의 꼬리에서 10 cm까지 자라는 다년생 식물이다. 잎은 털이 있고, 주걱 모양이며, 대부분 약간 위에 이빨이 있고, 겨드랑이에 갈색 털이 있으며, 꽃이 피는시기에 나타납니다.꽃 머리는 미세하게 발산하며, 몇 개는 가느다란 꽃자루에 느슨한 코림브를 입고 있고, 노란색이다.Habitat
Sandstone pavements.
- Provided by: [B].e-Flora of South Africa
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Bokkeveld Mtns to Biedouw Valley.
- Provided by: [B].e-Flora of South Africa
The Koue Bokkeveld, meaning "Cold Buck Shrubland" in Afrikaans, is a mountain range in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Geologically the range is composed of Cedarberg Sandstone of the Cape System.
Location and extent
It is located above Prince Alfred Hamlet, north of Ceres, and south and east of Citrusdal. The range runs in a WNW-ESE direction with a tall escarpment on its southern and southwestern side. Elevations of the range are an average of 1,600 m and there is often snow in winter. These heights are one of the coldest places in the Western Cape in winter.
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