순채-[정명] Brasenia schreberi J.F.Gmel.식물/들꽃-어항마름과(Cabombaceae) 2023. 7. 2. 11:51
과명 Engler- APG Ⅳ-Cabombaceae (어항마름과) 속명 Brasenia (순채속) 전체학명 [정명] Brasenia schreberi J.F.Gmel. 추천명 순채 이명 외국명 Watershield Brasenia, commonly known as watershield, is a genus belonging to the family Cabombaceae, consisting of one species, Brasenia schreberi. It is widely distributed in North America, the West Indies, northern South America (Venezuela, Guyana), eastern Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Primorye), Australia, the Indian Subcontinent, and parts of Africa.
Brasenia is a perennial aquatic plant with floating, peltate leaves and rhizomatous stems. It is identified by its bright green leaves, small purple flowers that bloom from June through September, and a thick mucilage that covers all of the underwater organs, including the underside of the leaves, stems, and developing buds. This mucilage may be an anti-herbivore defence trait, perhaps to deter snail grazing. It grows in shallow water of lakes, rivers and beaver ponds, particularly those with somewhat acidic water.
Brasenia exhibits wind pollination. The flowers have a two-day blooming period. On the first day, the functionally female, or pistillate flower, extends above the surface of the water and exposes the receptive stigmas. The flower then recedes below the water surface and on the following day emerges as a functionally male, or staminate flower. It is elevated higher than on the previous day and the anther-bearing filaments are extended beyond the female carpels. The anthers dehisce, releasing the pollen, and the flower is then withdrawn below the water where the fruit develops.
Brasenia is cultivated as a vegetable in China (where it is known as 莼菜, Pinyin: chúncài) and where it is used in Hangzhou in the well-known local speciality "West Lake Water Shield Soup (西湖莼菜汤) and in Japan (where it is known as junsai).
The mucilage it produces has been found to have anti-algal and anti-bacterial properties that may be useful as a natural weed control
Species of Brasenia occurred during the interglacial of Europe, but like many other aquatic plant species and genera, it does not occur there now.
Brasenia schreberi (syn. B. nymphoides, B. peltata) has the common name water-shield (also watershield or water shield).
The genus may commemorate the surgeon and Moravian missionary Christoph Brasen (1738-1774), who was the first superintendent of the Moravian mission at Nain in Labrador.
멸종위기식물 순채, 강릉 순포습지에 돌아왔다 (msn.com)
Brasenia schreberi J.F.Gmel. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
강원도 강릉시 사천면 해안로 741-5 강릉시 사천면 산대월리에 있는 석호다. 순포호라는 지명은 '순채(순나물)가 많이 나는 물가'라는 데서 유래했으며 '순개'라고도 불린다. 경포호, 향호, 풍호, 순개, 뒷개 등 강릉 5호 가운데 하나로 옛날엔 축구장 10배가 넘는 넓은 호수였다. 농경지 개간사업으로 인해 훼손되었으나 2011년부터 복원사업을 통해 조류관찰대 등 편의시설을 갖춘 습지공원으로 재탄생되었다.
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특히 겨울 철새로 강릉의 시조(市鳥)인 고니가 늦은 가을과 겨울에 찾아온다. 어류로는 멸종위기종에서 해제된 잔가시고기, 송사리, 황어, 붕어, 잉어, 가물치 등이 자리를 잡고 산다. 다양한 습지생물들의 서식지로 생태관광은 물론 교육의 장으로 손색없다.https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Brasenia+schreberi+J.F.Gmel.&&view=detail&mid=8D2B2C8CD24F9AC0A5828D2B2C8CD24F9AC0A582&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DBrasenia%2Bschreberi%2BJ.F.Gmel.%26FORM%3DVDRESM