Cymopterus식물/들꽃-산형과(Apiaceae) 2023. 6. 22. 12:54
자생식물 정명 Cymopterus melanotilingia (H.Boissieu) C.Y.Yoon 큰참나물 2022/03/28 자생식물 이명 Cymopterus crassus (Koidz.) M.Hiroe 큰참나물 2022/03/28 Cymopterus (큰참나물속)이 두 종이다.
Cymopterus is a genus of perennial plants in the family Apiaceae native to western North America. They are commonly known as the springparsleys. They are mostly stemless, taprooted perennial herbs with leaves at ground level and flowering scapes bearing yellow, white, or purple flowers.
The taxonomy of this genus was described as confused in 2004, even after many decades of study. Authors have organized it in different ways, sometimes including several closely related Apiaceae genera within it. Genera recently segregated from Cymopterus include Vesper, six plants with morphological characters that are well-defined and easily separated from Cymopterus; the group has been separated before, but was reintegrated during repeated reorganizations of the genus. The number of accepted species has varied between about 50 to about 35.
As of December 2022, Plants of the World Online accepted the following species:
- Cymopterus aboriginum M.E.Jones – Indian parsnip, Indian springparsley
- Cymopterus alpinus A.Gray
- Cymopterus anisatus A.Gray
- Cymopterus basalticus M.E.Jones – basalt springparsley
- Cymopterus beckii S.L.Welsh & Goodrich – featherleaf springparsley
- Cymopterus cinerarius A.Gray – gray springparsley
- Cymopterus crawfordensis K.Moon, S.L.Welsh & Goodrich
- Cymopterus davidsonii (J.M.Coult. & Rose) R.L.Hartm.
- Cymopterus davisii R.L.Hartm. – Davis' springparsley
- Cymopterus deserticola Brandegee – desert springparsley
- Cymopterus douglassii R.L.Hartm. & Constance – Douglass' springparsley
- Cymopterus duchesnensis M.E.Jones – Duchesne biscuitroot, Uinta Basin springparsley
- Cymopterus evertii R.L.Hartm. & R.S.Kirkp. – Evert's springparsley
- Cymopterus gilmanii C.V.Morton – Gilman's springparsley
- Cymopterus glaucus Nutt. – smooth springparsley, waxy springparsley
- Cymopterus globosus (S.Watson) S.Watson – globe springparsley
- Cymopterus glomeratus (Nutt.) DC. – plains springparsley
- Cymopterus goodrichii S.L.Welsh & Neese – Goodrich's springparsley, Toiyabe springparsley
- Cymopterus hallii (A.Gray) B.L.Turner
- Cymopterus humilis (Raf.) Tidestr.
- Cymopterus jonesii J.M.Coult. & Rose – Jones' springparsley
- Cymopterus longipes S.Watson – longstalk springparsley, sprawling springparsley
- Cymopterus megacephalus M.E.Jones – largeleaf springparsley
- Cymopterus minimus (Mathias) Mathias – Cedar Breaks springparsley
- Cymopterus newberryi (S.Watson) M.E.Jones – sweetroot springparsley, sticky springparsley
- Cymopterus nivalis S.Watson – snowline springparsley, Elko springparsley
- Cymopterus panamintensis J.M.Coult. & Rose – Panamint springparsley
- Cymopterus petraeus M.E.Jones
- Cymopterus purpureus S.Watson – purple springparsley, Colorado Plateau springparsley, variable springparsley
- Cymopterus ripleyi Barneby – Ripley's springparsley
- Cymopterus rosei (M.E.Jones ex Coult. & Rose) M.E.Jones – Rose's springparsley
- Cymopterus sessiliflorus (W.L.Theob. & C.C.Tseng) R.L.Hartm.
- Cymopterus spellenbergii R.L.Hartm. & J.E.Larson
- Cymopterus terebinthinus (Hook.) Torr. & A.Gray – turpentine wavewing
- Cymopterus williamsii R.L.Hartm. & Constance – Williams' springparsley
Formerly included here
- Vesper multinervatus (as Cymopterus multinervatus)
- Vesper purpurascens (as Cymopterus purpurascens)
Cymopterus corrugatus?,Cymopterus plurijugus?, Rhysopterus plurijugus? Cymopterus ripleyi?
Cymopterus glomeratus var. fendleri. Synonym: Cymopterus fendleri, Cymopterus acaulis variety fendleri. (Fendler's Biscuitroot, Fendler's Spring Parsley)
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