아르크토스타필로스 우바우르시-Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2023. 6. 16. 12:13
과명 Ericaceae (진달래과) 속명 Arctostaphylos (악토스타필로스속) 전체학명 [정명] Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. 추천명 아르크토스타필로스 우바우르시 이명 외국 Box Mountain,Cranberry Hog,Creashak,Creahak,KinniKinick,Common bearberry,Mealberry,Hog cranberr,Sandberry,Mountain box,Bear's grape 학명변경: 명명자변경 Spreng. -> (L.) Spreng. 추천명변경: 우바우르시악토스타필로스 -> 아르크토스타필로스 우바우르시
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi is a plant species of the genus Arctostaphylos widely distributed across circumboreal regions of the subarctic Northern Hemisphere. Kinnikinnick (from the Unami for "smoking mixture") is a common name in Canada and the United States. Growing up to 30 centimetres (12 inches) in height, the leaves are evergreen. The flowers are white to pink and the fruit is a red berry.
One of several related species referred to as bearberry,[2][5] its specific epithet uva-ursi means "grape of the bear" in Latin (ūva ursī), similar to the meaning of the generic epithet Arctostaphylos (Greek for "bear grapes").
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi is a small procumbent woody groundcover shrub growing to 5–30 centimetres (2–12 inches) high. Wild stands of the species can be dense, with heights rarely taller than 15 cm (6 in). Erect branching twigs emerge from long flexible prostrate stems, which are produced by single roots. The trailing stems will layer, sending out small roots periodically. The finely textured velvety branches are initially white to pale green, becoming smooth and red-brown with maturity. The small solitary three-scaled buds are dark brown.
The leaves are shiny, small, and feel thick and stiff, measuring about 4 cm (1+1⁄2 in) long and 1 cm (1⁄2 in) wide. Their tops are darker green than their undersides. They have rounded tips tapering back to the base, held vertically by a twisted leaf stalk in an alternate arrangement on the stem. The leaves remain green for 1–3 years before falling in autumn, when their colour changes to a reddish-green or purple, pale on the underside.
Terminal clusters of small urn-shaped flowers bloom from May to June. The flowers are white to pink, and bear round, fleshy or mealy, bright red to pink fruits called drupes. The smooth, glossy skinned fruits range from 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 inch (6 to 13 mm) in diameter. The red fruits persist on the plant into early winter. The fruits are bittersweet when raw, but sweeter when boiled and dried. Each drupe contains 1 to 5 hard seeds, which need to be scarified and stratified prior to germination to reduce the seed coat and break embryo dormancy. There is an average of 40,900 cleaned seeds per pound.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Wikipedia
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