Copiapoa gigantea Backeb.식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2023. 6. 11. 11:23
국표에 없다.
Origin and Habitat: Endemic to the Atacama desert (Chile, Antofagasta) Tipically found 2 km from Paposo, Pampa, Antofagasta ( but some authors indicate a wider area ranging from north of Taltal up to 25-30 km north of Paposo)
Habitat: It grows among rocks and gravel in a scattered population at low altitude (between 100 and 1300 m over sea level) in areas where very little else grows. As it is common in this coastal desert climate the rain-falls are extremely scarce, often it doesn't rain at all for many years. It's a very drought tolerant species. But the extreme aridity is attenuated by the frequent, often dense, early morning costal fog (the humidity of the ocean furnish part of the water needed by this plants). By the middle of the morning however, the fog cover dissipate and sun breaking through the gaps warming the ground. The nocturnal condensation is also an important and conspicuous source of humidity, that (especially in winter) may wet the ground down to 2 cm in depth. The root system of the copiapoas is sallow and allows them to uptake the maximum of this humidity.Description: It is a large sized often elongated and columnar plant slowly branching from the base, forming large, open clumps with (usually) few individual stems. Copiapoa gigantea has the largest and stouter individual stems among the member of the Copiapoa cinerea complex.
Stem: Globose to cylindrical, up to 1 m (or more) high, 20-30 cm across, pale olive-green, grey-green or ash-grey, the apex is very spiny, covered with reddish, orangish or yellowish-brown wool. The whitish-grey coloration is a waxy coating presumably to prevent desiccation in it's extremely dry environment. In cultivation the white waxy bloom is often not produced, revealing a brownish epidermis.
Ribs: 14-22(-37), rounded, broad, obtuse, wavy, almost straight, thickened at areoles (tuberculate), becoming flattened. The ribs in the younger specimen have very geometric and conspicuous tubercles, typically with a hexagonal base.
Areoles: Up to 18 mm in diameter, orangish, fading in grey as they become older.
Radial spines: Up to 7, about 1-2 (or more) cm long horny-yellow to orange coloured, terete, tipped darker, spreading, straight or slightly curved.
Central spine: 0-1(-2)
Flowers: Yellow funnelform, 1,5 to 2,5 cm in diameter. The Ovary is naked; it needs a lot of sunlight to bloom, so it's pretty rare to have blossoms when in cultivation in greenhouses.
Fruit: 1,5 to 2 cm long.
Seeds: Black and shining.Copiapoa gigantea (llifle.com)
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