Hydrocotyle bonariensis Lam.식물/들꽃-두릅나무과(Araliaceae) 2023. 5. 27. 19:43
국표에 없다.
Hydrocotyle bonariensis, the largeleaf pennywort, once a member of the family Apiaceae, now in the family Araliaceae] and of the genus Hydrocotyle, is a hairless and creeping perennial.
FlowersThis plant has numerous white to creamy-yellow flowers, and the flower stalks can be 30 centimetres (12 in) in height.Fruits and reproductionThe stems creep and root at the nodes; the plant spreads by rhizomes. Dollar Weed produces a dry dehiscent fruit that, at maturity, splits into two or more parts each with a single seed.HabitatThis plant lives in sandy areas of somewhat extreme conditions: very dry lands that are flooded sometimes.Community species
Co-dominate species
This species colonizes sandy ground and disturbed foreshore sites, estuaries, coastline, sand dunes and ponds. H. bonariensis has also displayed a tendency to prefer, and be stronger at, higher elevations.
NativeAfrotropic:West-Central Tropical Africa: CameroonWest Tropical Africa: Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, SenegalSouth Tropical Africa: Angola, MozambiqueSouthern Africa: South AfricaWestern Indian Ocean: Madagascar, Mauritius, RéunionNearctic:Southeastern United States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South CarolinaSouth-Central United States: TexasNeotropic:Central America: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, PanamaCaribbean: Cuba, Puerto RicoNorthern South America: VenezuelaBrazil: BrazilWestern South America: Bolivia, Colombia, PeruSouthern South America: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay
Hydrocotyle bonariensis - Wikipedia
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