
  • Metalasia erubescens DC.
    식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2023. 5. 19. 14:49

    국표에 없다.


    Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2023): Metalasia erubescens DC. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000029616. Accessed on: 19 May 2023'

    Diagnostic Description

    M. embescens is a variable species that is not easily characterized. The leaves are often slightly curved outwards. M. embescens is further recognized by its usually pink synflorescenses with generally distinctly branched capitula clusters, containing 3-flowered free capitula. It belongs to a small group of similar and closely related species that are characterized by a transverse ridge beneath the tip on the innermost involucral bracts. It is also similar to a few other more distantly related species, e. g. M. fastigiata, which however differs in that its leaves are usually more acute and straight, and it has 5-flowered capitula and ribbed cypselas. Populations from the western part of the distribution have different foliage, viz. straight leaves with more conspicuous axillary brachyblasts. However, such specimens are typical in other features, e. g. the involucre. Such is the type of M. embescens. M. cymbifolia also has slightly or distinctly curved but concave leaves. Similar leaves occur very rarely in M. embescens, but the former species has involucral bracts that are concave to deeply concave apically, and capitula that are fused to one another by many hairs into obscurely branched clusters. Anomalous specimens are found, for example, on the Caledon Swartberg, where plants with sparse foliage, and dense pink or white synflorescenses have been collected. I saw depauperate specimens with comparatively small and few capitula in a recently burnt area on the northwestern slopes of the Caledon Swartberg. The disjunct populations in Bredasdorp Div., i. e. in the east to southeastern part of the distribution range, have the longest leaves, the most robust appearance, and, comparatively, the shortest outermost involucral bracts. Specimens from the Klein River and the Babylon's Tower Mountain ranges, and from towards the northwestern part of the distribution area, have outermost involucral bracts about half as long as, or slightly longer than, the innermost ones, and conspicuously reddish outer involucral bracts. For comparison with M. seriphiifolia and M. serrata, which may be similar to M. erubescens, see taxonomic note under those species.

    Metalasia erubescens DC. (worldfloraonline.org)






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