Aptosimum spinescens (Thunb.) Emil Weber식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2023. 5. 10. 11:32
국표에 없다.
Kolberg H., van Salgeren M. 2016. A synopsis of Aptosimum and Peliostomum (Scrophulariaceae) in Namibia, including the description of a new species, Aptosimum radiatum, and keys to all accepted species. Kew Bulletin 71:16. DOI 10.1007/S12225-016-9628-7
TypeType: locality not indicated [but in view of its publication assumed to be from South Africa, Western Cape Prov., Cape of Good Hope], Thunberg s.n. (lectotype UPS-THUNB, selected here; isolectotype LD-1242485!).
Shrub, erect, spinescent, 15 – 30 (– 60) cm tall
Stems decumbent-ascending, much- to sparsely branched, woody, 5 – 8 mm diam., glabrous, scabrid with stiff hairs to glandular-pubescent, hairy mostly below leaf insertion, may be densely leafy or bear short, leafy shoots; bark whitish, corky, to 2 mm thick
Leaves alternate to clustered, subulate, linear-oblanceolate to spathulate, 6 – 30 × 1 – 4 mm, glabrous to densely antrorse scabrid, may be folded along midrib and arched downward; apex acute, spiny; base cuneate, sessile; midrib prominent beneath, pale, sometimes scabrid at base, spinescent; spines numerous, strong, to 1 mm wide at base, mostly straight; margins stiff bristly
Flowers solitary or in 3-flowered dichasia, in upper axils, sessile to subsessile, usually overtopping leaves; bracteoles linear, 3 – 5 mm long
Flowers Calyx
Calyx lobed to middle at most, tubular to campanulate, 5 – 10 mm long, densely glandular-pubescent or puberulous outside and inside; tube 2 – 7 × 3 – 5 mm; lobes filiform, lanceolate, triangular or ovate, somewhat unequal, 2 – 5 × 1 – 2 mm, long ciliate in sinuses and sometimes on margins, apex acuminate and glabrousMorphologyReproductive
Flowers Corolla
Corolla 12 – 20 mm long, shortly glandular outside; tube basally narrow, 6 – 8 × 1.5 mm, widening upwards to 5 mm diam., curved or with indistinct bulge on abaxial side, mouth oblique, whitish to pale lilac with dark venation outside; lobes orbicular to obovate, 2 – 5 mm long and wide, inside lilac to pale purple, dark purple patch at base
Flowers Androecium Stamens
Stamens four, unequal; filaments with membranous margin, base stipitate-glandular, longer pair 5 – 6 mm long, shorter pair c. 4 mm long; anthers almost equal in size, ciliate-bristlyMorphologyReproductive
Flowers Gynoecium Ovary
Ovary pubescent, sometimes with sessile glands; nectary shallowly cup-shaped; style filiform, to 12 mm long, equal in length to corolla; stigma indistinctly emarginate or capitellate
Capsule ovoid, obovoid or globose, 5 – 8 × 4 – 6 mm, shorter than calyx, short hairy to densely glandular-hairy or glabrous; apex cordate, somewhat or abruptly compressed
Seeds elongate to reniform, 1.5 × 1 mm, black, scrobiculate to tuberculate; funicle thickened
Africa: Namibia, South Africa.
Occurs in various soil types, including sand and loam; calcrete and dolomite are the most common lithology. Found on plains, in dry river beds and drainage channels, on hill and mountain slopes, in depressions and pans of the shrubland, escarpment and inselbergs, desert, desert – dwarf shrub savanna transition, dwarf shrub savanna, Kalahari sands, dwarf shrub savanna – Kalahari sands transition and succulent steppe vegetation types (Mendelsohn et al. 2010). Recorded in the Welwitschia Desert, Highlands to 1500 and 1800 m, Escarpment, Southern Namib Succulent Desert, Huns-Orange and Gordonia phytogeographical groups (Craven 2009). Altitude: 250 – 2000 m.
Aptosimum spinescens (Thunb.) Emil Weber | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
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