Ornithoglossum vulgare B.Nord.식물/들꽃-Colchicaceae과 2023. 5. 10. 10:55
국표에 없다.
Ornithoglossum vulgare (Afrikaans: slangkop) is a lily characterized by blueish to grey-green, boat-shaped leaves, which clasp the stem and an attractive flower arrangement. The plant usually grows to about 30cm high, but can grow taller if it receives more moisture.
Ornithoglossum vulgare is widely distributed throughout the arid and semi-arid areas of Namibia, South Africa and East Africa. It is absent from the very northern part of Namibia. In Namibia, this plant occurs mainly on plains, but is occasionally also found on rocky slopes.
This bulb is toxic and can be a problem in rangelands.
Ornithoglossum vulgare - Wikipedia
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