
  • Odontosoria scandens (Desv.) C.Chr.
    식물/들꽃-새깃고사리과(Lindsaeaceae) 2023. 5. 7. 16:17

    국표에 없다.

    General Information

    Rhizome short-creeping, woody, 2.5-4 mm thick, densely clothed toward apex with lustrous reddish-brown, narrowly lance-attenuate scales up to 1.5 mm long and 0.3 mm broad. Fronds up to 2 m long (often less); stipes much shorter than the blades, distantly aculeolate or almost smooth; pinnae several or many distant pairs, laxly spreading or drooping, (6-) 15-40 cm long, the costa retrorsely short-aculeate, occasionally with an isolated reduced secondary pinna near base; secondary pinnae 1-4 subequal pairs and a similar very elongate terminal one, narrowly linear, mostly 6-40 cm long, 0.7-2 cm broad, distant, 1-pinnate throughout; ultimate pinnules adjacent, rounded-trapeziform to obliquely ovate-oblong or deltate-ovate, the outer margins lightly crenate, or the larger basal pinnules sometimes pinnately parted; tissue spongiose-coriaceous, wholly concealing the veins, glabrous. Sori numerous, small, close, completely immersed.


    General Distribution. Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico.Distribution in Puerto Rico. Known from many scattered localities in mountainous areas; recorded from Adjuntas, Jayuya, Maricao, Ponce, Rio Grande, and Utuado.Habitat. Montane thickets, forest borders, open banks, and (rarely) crevices of cliflfs at high elevations (850-1300 m), locally frequent.

    Odontosoria scandens (Desv.) C.Chr. (worldfloraonline.org)









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