Piaranthus globosus A.C.White & B.Sloane식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2023. 3. 9. 18:30
국표에는 Asclepiadaceae과가 9종이 있다.
piaranthus globosus는 없다.
Description: Piaranthus globosus is a clumping and prostrate species that spread over the ground forming large cushions. The name is due to the stem segments that are ovoid or globose, light green and resemble a mass of tiny potatoes.
Stems: Procumbent or ascending, divided in short squat ovoid or cylindrical articles obtuse to obscurely 4-angled, with 2-4 minute teeth along each angle. Surface smooth or slightly rough, light-green, tips faintly purple.
Flowers: 1 to 2 (rarely more) in a short inflorescence at the stem apex. Flowers are Valerian scented with fruity component about 1,3 to 2 cm in diameter, star-shaped, flat, more or less pubescent, and velvety whitish, yellowish with or (usually) without brown-red dots or transverse lines. Peduncles 2-20 mm long x 1-2 mm in diameter, sepals 2-4 mm long.
Blooming season: Produces numerous flowers simultaneously in October.
Taxonomy remarks: The genus Piaranthus is a very confusing complex of extremely nearly related species with many intermediary forms growing together in many widespread localities and they are very difficult to distinguish. Also experienced botanist found difficulty to separate and classify reliably the various species and forms.
In particular Piaranthus geminatus var. geminatus is a very variable species which now also includes the former species Piaranthus globosus, Piaranthus disparilis, and Piaranthus pillansii.Piaranthus globosus (llifle.com)
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