
  • Larryleachia marlothii (N.E.Br.) Plowes
    식물/들꽃-Asclepiadaceae과 2022. 10. 23. 16:08

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Larryleachia marlothii is a summer-flowering succulent plant widespread throughout to South Africa (Northern Cape), Namibia and southern Angola.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Ghaap,

    Description: Larryleachia marlothii, formerly knows as Trichocaulon marlothii, is a small perennial stem succulent, with 3 to 30 stems clustered from the base up to 15 cm long, hairless, grey-green, and sometimes brown, densely covered in low tubercles in 12-19 rows with depressed tips enclosing the small conical leaves. Flowers appear in the summer and feature a dark, spotted, 5-pointed corolla and a distinct cross shape in the centre. The hairless corolla-lobes and the inner corona with a conspicuous dorsal projection united with the outer corona-horns are distinctive to this species.
    Derivation of specific name: This species was named after after the original collector of the species, D. R. Marloth.
    Stem. 7-15 cm high, with 3–4 cylindric or cylindric-ovoid branches 20-63 mm thick, narrowed below, obtuse, 12-to 19-ribbed with crowded obtuse mammillae 4-6 mm in diameter, tipped with a minute conical leaf less than 1 mm long, seated in a small depression, glabrous, pale greyish and sometimes brown.
    Flowers: 1–5 together, predominantly apical between the tubercles, subsessile or with pedicels up to 1 mm long, developing successively. Sepals 1.5-2 mm long, 1 mm broad, broadly ovate, acute, glabrous. Corolla hairless, campanulate, flat-topped and very shortly pointed in bud, when expanded about 8-16 mm in diameter, lobed to half-way down, without a distinct tube, the united part (central depression) 1-3 mm deep, flattish or saucer-shaped, margins not or only slightly thickened. Outside reddish spotted with green, glabrous and smooth, inside cream-coloured, irregularly speckled with red or dark maroon, occasionally uniformly dark purple, not ciliate. Lobes spreading, 2-5 mm long and 5 mm broad, nearly like an equilateral triangle in outline, acute, dark purple-brown tips curved outwards, margins more weakly curved. Corona cream-coloured, irregularly marked with pinkish or chestnut-brown, 3.5-4.5 mm in diameter, often with nectar droplets. Outer corona-lobes 2-5 x 3-5 mm divided into 10 filiform-subulate teeth 1-2 mm long, arranged in pairs behind the inner corona-lobes, very spreading to recurved at the tips towards each other, broadly ovate, acuminate. Inner corona-lobes 1-1.5 mm long, linear, obtuse, closely incumbent on the backs of the anthers and produced beyond them, with the tips connivent-erect.
    Fruits: Follicles (mericarps) usually paired, 5-9.5 cm long, diverging at an angle of 30 -60°.

    Larryleachia marlothii (llifle.com)


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