월령환선인장-[정명] Mammillaria zeilmanniana Boed.식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2023. 3. 9. 13:42
국표에 없다.
This small cactus grows up to 12 cm high and up to 8 cm wide. When young this species has wooly areoles though when mature it has 13–15 radiant spine and 4 central spines one being hooked. The flowers are 2 cm across and usually occur in a ring along the top of the plant, var. albiflora is a variation not known to occur in the wild.
Mammillaria zeilmanniana - Wikipedia
2023.03.09에는 국표에 없었다.
앵글러 Cactaceae (선인장과) Mammillaria (마밀라리아속) [정명] Mammillaria zeilmanniana Boed. 국명정보
추천명 월령환선인장 '식물 > 들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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