Castilleja rhexiifolia Rydb.식물/들꽃-열당과(Orobanchaceae) 2023. 2. 27. 12:28
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Castilleja rhexiifolia (Rose Paintbrush)
Orobanchaceae (Broomrape Family)Subalpine, alpine. Meadows. Summer.
Above: U.S. Basin, August 6, 2019 and August 4, 2015.
Left: Madden Peak, June 23, 2004; Stony Pass, July 21, 2011; Lake Hope, August 11, 2014; Pass Creek Trail, July 25, 2017.Castilleja rhexiifolia bract colors are most often hot rose-pink, but they range from subtle magentas to flaming rose to hot iridescent pink. For pure outright amazing color, this Paintbrush is hard to surpass.
C. rhexiifolia plants with color variations can often be found very close to one another. But to see these variations you will have to hike to meadows in the subalpine and alpine zones where Castilleja rhexiifolia joins buttercups, a number of species of sunflowers, bistorts, King's Crown, and many more flowers in one of the finest of all wildflower displays.
Castilleja rhexiifolia has a long blooming time, from just after snow melt in June to September. It grows to two feet tall but typically is twelve inches, except on alpine tundra where it may be no more than five inches.
Lower leaves are often red-tinted and have three prominent veins. Upper colored bracts, i.e., modified leaves, are often very shallowly cut into three with the outer two divisions quite small.
In the lower two photographs at left you can see a number of Castilleja rhexiifolia characteristics: bract color in different plants can vary, hairiness and leaf venation are prominent, and the calyx surrounding the minute green tubular flower is the same color as the bracts.
"Rhexiifolia" is Greek for "broken foliage" and refers to Castilleja rhexiifolia's strongly veined leaves and their resemblance to the veins of the eastern U.S. genus, Rhexia.
Southwest Colorado Wildflowers, Castilleja haydenii & rhexiifolia (swcoloradowildflowers.com)
Castilleja rhexiifolia
Castilleja rhexiifolia Rydb.
Splitleaf Indian Paintbrush, Rosy Indian Paintbrush
Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)
Synonym(s): Castilleja lauta, Castilleja leonardii, Castilleja oregonensis
USDA Symbol: CARH4
USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)
A cluster of usually unbranched stems rises 8-24 in., or more, from the woody base of this perennial wildflower. The showy, paintbrush-like inflorescence is short and dense with large, rose or crimson, occasionally yellow, bracts.
The roots of Castilleja species tap into the roots of a host plant for survival.
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