Lagarostrobos franklinii (Hook f.)식물/들꽃-나한송과(Podocarpaceae) 2023. 1. 15. 14:39
국표에 없다.
Syn: Dacrydium franklinii Hooker (Quinn 1982). The sole species in Lagarostrobos C.J. Quinn 1982. A former second species, L. colensoi, has lately (Molloy 1995) been segregated to the monotypic genus Manoao.
Lagarostrobos was formerly included in Dacrydium, but de Laubenfels (1969) segregated the genus Falcatifolium and Quinn (1982) further segregated the genera Halocarpus, Lagarostrobos, and Lepidothamnus, leaving Dacrydium sensu strictu. These segregations were made on the basis of differences in female cone morphology, a criterion that has been used as the taxonomic basis for differentiating all genera in the Podocarpaceae. "The name Lagarostrobos refers to the lax open nature of the female cone" (Quinn 1982).
Trees to 25 m tall and 150 cm DBH, with a conical or pyramidal crown that spreads and becomes irregular with age. Bark gray, rugose, horizontally striated, with age developing longitudinal fissures; often obscured by epiphytes. Twigs pliable, 1-1.2 mm thick, covered in scale leaves, forming pendulous branches in shade or stiffer, more erect branches in sun. Juvenile leaves (found on seedlings) spirally arranged, decurrent with free apex, 1-2 mm long, keeled, acute. Adult leaves spirally arranged, imbricate, appressed, rhomboid, 1-1.5 × 1 mm, keeled, obtuse, with conspicuous, scattered stomata. Pollen cones solitary, terminal, sessile, 4-6 × 2-2.5 mm, with 10-15 microsporophylls. Seed cones terminal on short decurved twigs (i.e., cone terminal but pendent), 4-5 mm long, with 5-8 spirally arranged fertile bracts. Seeds ca. 2 mm diameter, notched at apex, light brown, epimatium fleshy, covering about half the seed at maturity (Quinn 1982, Farjon 2010, and pers. obs. 2015).
Asexual reproduction by layering is common and may cover large areas
Lagarostrobos franklinii (Huon pine) description (conifers.org)
HuonPine - Lagarostrobos - Wikipedia HuonPine - Lagarostrobos - Wikipedia
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