
  • Retzia capensis Thunb.
    식물/들꽃-Stilbaceae과 2022. 12. 22. 15:54

    국표에 없다.

    an erect, rigid, branched shrub, about 4 ft. high; young branches densely villous; leaves verticillate, sessile, linear-lanceolate, obtuse, entire, glabrous, imbricate, 1 3/4 in. long, 2–4 lin. wide; flowers several at the end of the stem, sessile, erect; bracts lanceolate from a broad concave base, keeled outside, acuminate, hirsute, 2 in. long, the inner smaller; corolla 1 in. long, 3 lin. in diam. null
    COAST REGION Stellenbosch Div.; sandy places on the summit of Hottentots Holland Mountain, Zeyher! Niven! Hottentots Holland, in pure sand, Bowie! Caledon Div.; on stony mountains near Lowrys Pass, 1200 ft., MacOwan, 2569! and in Herb. Norm. Aust.-Afr., 245! tops of mountains between Lowrys Pass and Houw Hoek, Thunberg! Houw Hoek. 2500 ft., Bowie! Schlechter, 7434! between Palmiet River and Lowrys Pass, Burchell, 8187!SOUTH AFRICA without locality, Thom! Forsyth! Forster! Roxburgh!

    Retzia capensis in Global Plants on JSTOR


    Stiffly erect, densely-leafy unusual shrublet with velvety branches. Leaves are stiff and narrow, dark green to rust; tubular, silky flowers are red to orange with black lobes, tipped with tufts of white hairs; anthers are partially fused to the corolla.

    After: A.J. Retzius (1742-1821), Swedish botanist and member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


    Sandstone slopes

    Flower Date

    September to March

    Retzia capensis (fernkloof.org.za)





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