Hermas villosa (L.) Thunb.식물/들꽃-산형과(Apiaceae) 2022. 12. 22. 13:51
국표에 없다.
The creamy green flowers of this fynbos shrublet usually light up the veld from late summer to late autumn. However its allure doesn't stop there. For the rest of the year its broad, glossy green and velvety grey leaves lend it a year-round interest.
Hermas villosa is a single- to multi-stemmed shrub of close to 1 m height. The leathery leaves are sessile to shortly petiolate and vary from oblong to elliptic. They are furthermore white-felted beneath and glabrous (hairless) above. Leafsizes are between 15 cm long and 6 cm wide. The leaf margins are toothed.
The cream-coloured globose flower clusters are about 4 cm across. Flowering is from December to May.
The fruits are suborbicular and winged. Harvest seed from late March to June.
Hermas villosa has a status of Least Concern (LC) (Raimondo et al. (2009).
This species is relatively common on the rocky sandstone slopes of the mountains from Cape Point to Hermanus.
Hermas villosa | PlantZAfrica (sanbi.org)
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