Drosera glabripes ((Harv. ex Planch.) Stein)식물/들꽃-끈끈이주걱과(Droseraceae) 2022. 12. 22. 12:46
국표에는 없다.
Caulescent woody perennials (roots abÂsent from herbarium collections). Stem decumbent, only the upper, younger part erect, densely covered with the old reflexed, hard petioles and stipules. Leaves closely imbricate, spreading; petioles 2-2-5 cm long, firm, strigose inside the concave lower side; stipules large, 1 cm, orange brown, entire at the base, cleft above into 5-7 long bristles; lamina obovate, up to 1 cm long and 5 mm broad, with the long, knob-shaped tentacles densely arranged along the margin; lower surface strigose with the hairs attached laterally near one side, parallel with the epidermis. Inflorescences 1-2, apÂpearing near the apex, up to 10 cm long, scape leafless, wiry, somewhat flexuose, ped eels up to 7 mm long; flowers 6-12, secund. Calyx-lobes ovate, acute 5 mm long. Petals broadly obovate, cuneate, 11 mm long, reddish purple. Stamens short with the connective rhomboidal. Styles bifurcate, stigmatic apex shortly flabellate-multifid. Capsule depressed-globose; seeds fusiform, 1 • 5 mm long, with a broad foot and a tapered apiculus, papillate-beaded. Fig. 28 : 15.
Drosera glabripes in Global Plants on JSTOR
Rhizomatous perennial to 30cm, woody below, longish, sprawling stems; Leaf petiolate, (longish leaf stalks), blades shortly obovoid and stipules long-lacerate; flowers several, secund (to one side of the stem), stigmas shortly multifid.
Similar to Drosera capensis, but with longish sprawling stems and differing habitat; Drosera capensis preferring wet sites.
Peaty, sandstone slopes
Flower Date
December to January
Drosera glabripes (fernkloof.org.za)
Shape: prostrate
Leaf color: green
Trap color: green with red tentacles
Drosera glabripes (probably glabripes hybrid: x corynthiaca) - Diflora
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