Dasylirion texanum Scheele식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2022. 12. 14. 09:30
국표에 없다.
Dasylirion texanum, the Texas sotol and sotol, is a monocot flowering plant native to central and southwestern Texas and in Coahuila state of northeastern Mexico, including the Chihuahuan Desert.
The grass-like plant is typically smaller than other Dasylirions, with small crowns and trunks usually less than 1.5 feet, with long foliage reaching 3–6 ft.
Indigenous peoples of the region pit-bake the crowns to dry and pound them into flour in order to make bread.[
이 지역의 원주민들은 빵을 만들기 위해 크라운을 구덩이에 넣고 말려서 밀가루로 찧는다.]
The alcoholic drink sotol, is made from the fermented inner cores of the desert spoon. It has been produced historically in West Texas and currently in Central Texas using the Dasylirion texanum species.
Dasylirion texanum is cultivated in by specialty plant nurseries and available as an ornamental plant for native plant, drought tolerant, natural landscape, and habitat gardens; and for ecological restoration projects.
Dasylirion texanum - Wikipedia
'식물 > 들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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