Lyperia tristis (L.f.) Benth.식물/들꽃-현삼과(Scrophulariaceae) 2022. 12. 9. 16:31
국표에 없다.
an annual herb, robust, rigid, often shrubby below, erect, scentless (or the smell of the flowers but little unpleasant), 1/5–2 ft. high, viscid-pubescent; stem leafy, simply branched or simple; branches erect-patent or ascending, straight or flexuous, the upper alternate; leaves opposite or alternate, ovate-oblong or obovate-oblong, obtuse, wedge-shaped towards the base, incise-dentate or subentire, suberect, veined, subsessile or subpetiolate, green, paler beneath, flat, glabrous or puberulous, glandular, thinly fleshy, fit for cooking, 1–2 1/2 in. long, 1/5–1 1/5 in. broad; floral ones rather smaller; flowers numerous, about 1 in. long, numerous, subsessile or very shortly stalked, spicate and axillary, forming terminal elongated or shortly leafy and bracteate spikes; bracts smaller than the leaves, longer than the calyx, about equalling or shorter than the capsule, dentate or entire, free from the calyx; spike dense at the apex, interrupted below; calyx 1/6– 1/4 in. long in flower, 1/5– 3/8 in. long, in fruit, viscid-pubescent, deeply 5-lobed; segments broadly linear, obtuse, erect; corolla-tube cylindrical, somewhat widened at both ends, ventricosely so at the apex, whitish or yellow ochre, glandular-puberulous outside, scarcely or somewhat curved, 3/4–1 1/8 in. long, about 1/30 in. broad at the middle; limb reflexed or spreading; lobes linear-oblong or obovate, entire or slightly emarginate, 1/6– 1/3 in. long, sides sometimes revolute, dirty or gloomy yellowish; stamens included; filaments filiform, short; anthers dusky; stigma blunt; capsules ovoid-oblong, viscid-puberulous, 1/5– 2/3 in. long or rather more. null
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