Parthenium hysterophorusL.식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2022. 12. 3. 19:17
과명 Asteraceae (국화과) 속명 Parthenium (돼지풀아재비속) 전체학명 [정명] Parthenium hysterophorus L. 추천명 돼지풀아재비 이명 외국명 Santa Maria 2022-11-08 생태계교란야생생물 신규지정 Parthenium hysterophorus is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to the American tropics. Common names include Santa-Maria, Santa Maria feverfew, whitetop weed, and famine weed. In India, it is locally known as carrot grass, congress grass or Gajar Ghas. It is a common invasive species in India, Australia, and parts of Africa.
Parthenium hysterophorus invades disturbed land, including roadsides. It infests pastures and farmland, causing often disastrous loss of yield, as reflected in common names such as famine weed. In some areas, heavy outbreaks have been ubiquitous, affecting livestock and crop production, and human health.
The plant produces allelopathic chemicals that suppress crop and pasture plants, and allergens that affect humans and livestock. It also frequently causes pollen allergies. A study published in 2021 further showed that the plant could promote malaria by supplying much appreciated food and shelter to mosquitoes in Eastern Africa.
It is being investigated as a means of removing heavy metals and dyes from the environment, control of aquatic weeds, commercial enzyme production, an additive in manure for biogas production, as a biopesticide, and as green manure and compost.
The species has been listed as an invasive alien species of Union Concern. This means it is illegal to import or sell this species in the whole of the European Union.
Parthenium hysterophorus - Wikipedia
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