칠레와인야자-[정명] Jubaea chilensis (Molina) Baill.식물/들꽃-야자나무과(Arecaceae) 2022. 11. 28. 16:54
Jubaea chilensis ia native to central Chile between 32°S and
35°S latitude. It is the sole species in the genus Jubaea. It was once thought to populate Easter Island.
"Jubes" can be found all over the world, wherever their climate needs can be met. As mentioned in more detail below, they are among the hardiest of all palms. Fine specimens can be found in Northern and Southern California, Southern Australia, England, Ireland, and South Africa, to name a few places.
Jubaea chilensis is a single-trunked, pinnate-leaved palm growing to 20-25 m tall. The trunk is the stoutest of any palm, commonly a metre diameter at the base, sometimes up to 1.3 m diameter, often widest in the upper part of the trunk, with smooth grey bark.
The dark green pinnate leaves are 3-5 m long, with pinnae to 30-50 cm long closely spaced along the rachis. Despite the length of the leaves, they often look disproportionally small compared to the massive trunk, particularly on larger trees. The leaf bases persist as grey-brown stubs for a while on young trees, but fall cleanly on mature trees. Editing by edric.
Size: up to 25 m (80') tall 16 feet in diameter (5 m)
Min. Temperature: 16°F (-9°C)
Water Requirements: Moderate water
Sun Requirements: Full sun to light shade
Germination: slow to germinate, usually taking between 6 to 16 months.
Leaf: Pinnate, stiff feather leaves, which are dull green above and greyish underneath, up to 12 feet long (3.6 m).
Trunk: Gray trunk with leaf scars, Up to 1.5m (5') wide.
Flower: Large number of very small purple flowers. Flowers are in groups of 2 males flowers for 1 female.. Flower stalk coming from among the leaves, 4 feet long.
Fruit: yellow. Up to 2 inches in diameter (5 cm). round.
Seed: 1 inch in diameter (2.5 cm). round.
The species is monoecious, with male and female flowers in separate panicles but on the same tree. They are produced on long, branched panicles. The fruit is green at first, ripening bright yellow, oval to globose, 4-5 cm long and 4 cm diameter, with a single large grey-brown seed 2.5 cm diameter; the fruit pulp is edible, but does not have a very good flavour. The nuts, called coquitos ("little coconuts") in Spanish, are also edible after cracking the hard shell, similar to coconut in texture and flavour. Editing by edric.Jubaea chilensis - Palmpedia - Palm Grower's Guide
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