
  • Neolloydia conoidea (DC.) Britton & Rose
    식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2022. 11. 21. 19:08

    국표에 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Widely ranging, west Texas along Rio Grande from near Del Rio west to Boquillas and south throughout northern Mexico into Queretaro.
    Altitude: 550-2400 metres above sea level.
    Habitat: It grows in limestone areas on rocky hillsides, more or less in the open. It is never very common and often found gowing with Echinocereus delaetii, Lophophora williamsii, Mammillaria pottsii, Mammillaria lasiacantha, Encephalocarpus strobiliformis, Echinocactus platyacanthus, Ferocactus stainesii, Echinofossulocactus lamellosus, Myrtillocactus geometrizans, Thelocactus hexaedrophorus, Coryphantha erecta, Coryphantha gregeri, Coryphantha clava, Stenocereus dumortieri, Opuntia tunicata, Opuntia imbricata, Opuntia streptacantha, Agave salmiana, Agave lechuguilla, Agave stricta, Euphorbia antisyphilitica, Hechtia glomerata, and Yucca filifera.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Chihuahuan Beehive, Texas Cone Cactus, Cone Cactus
    SPANISH (Español): Biznaga cónica

    Description: Neolloydia conoidea, a.k.a. “Cone Cactus”, is a small, low growing cactus species, with stem densely covered with white, radial spines and longer, black, central spines. Bears funnel-shaped, purple- violet flowers in late spring. The common name of this plant comes from its resemblance to an unopened pine cone, the small green tubercles that form the surface of the plant do not quite line up into ribs.
    Habit: Sometimes simple or loosely sprouting near base to produce 2-3 branches, but sometimes forming large clusters, often branching or budding above.
    Stem: Globose to egg-shaped at first, becoming conical or short-cylindrical, yellowish green, dull grey-green or blue-green, 5-24 cm high, 3-6 cm in diameter. The woolliness makes the top of the plant appear white.
    Ribs: Poorly developed, almost completely split in tubercles separated by deep valleys which interrupt ribs continuity.
    Tubercles: In 5-8 (or 8-13) spiral rows, 3-10 mm long, 6-10 mm broad, 5-9 mm high, well developed, conical, obtuse, but somewhat compressed horizontally by crowded, almost overlapping position, their axils very woolly. Much white wool is formed along these grooves, but this wears off in age.
    Areoles: Dimorphic, 3-5 mm in diameter, 8-12 mm apart, circular with white wool when new becoming enlarged with an areolar groove extending upward and inward to axil of tubercle, broadening into larger felted area from which flower comes. After blooming, original circular part remains as spine-bearing portion, usually losing wool.
    Spines: Very numerous, which stand out conspicuously from the green of the stems, but often completely covering the plant.
    Radial spines: Usually 15-16 or more, even, widely radiating and lying flat on the stem, rigid, straight, white, or whitish with a dark tip, fading to grey, 5 to 10 mm long.
    Central spines: Usually one, but sometime up to 4 or absent, projecting outward, straight, rigid, stouter and longer than the radials, up to 3 cm long, light brown to black when young, fading to grey, the lowest one is longest and heaviest.
    Flowers: Diurnal, broadly funnelform, arising from the base of the areolar groove of young tubercles, bright magenta, violet or violet-pink, 2-3 cm long, 4-6 cm in diameter, opening rather widely. Pericarpels naked of scales but occasionally have 1-2 small, rounded, white-edged scales. Outer perianth-segments dull purple, lighter toward the margins. Inner perianth-segments rich purple or pinkish-violet, lanceolate, with pointed tips and entire edges. Anthers bright orange, filaments pale yellow, purplish at base. Style and stigma-lobes white or pale yellow, the latter 5 or 6.
    Blooming season: Spring to early summer, (peak from April to June)
    Fruit: Compressed-globose, 4-5 mm in diameter, naked, but sometimes having 1-2 tiny scales, green becoming dull yellow or greenish brown, mottled with red, fleshy at first but becoming dry and papery, then brown, indehiscent.
    Seeds: Black, pear shaped, tuberculate, 1-1,5 mm broad, with a large basal hilum with an uneven lip over part of the hilum.

    Neolloydia conoidea (llifle.com)












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