Cyathea intermedia식물/들꽃-Cyatheaceae과 2022. 11. 5. 12:23
국표에는 없다.
Cyathea intermedia - The tallest tree-fern is endemic to New Caledonia, it can reach a height of 100 ft. and it is the tallest known in the world. They grow often on acid soils. Growth rate reaches 3.5 ft. per year on the East Coast, generally in forest clearings or unused lands.
Cyathea intermedia tallest tree-fern for sale (fernfactory.com)
A very elegant, large tree fern native to moist montane forests in New Caledonia. Its trunk can grow to 10 m (33 ft.) tall, the flat, spreading crown of tripinnate fronds with slightly drooping pinnules can reach a diameter of about 6 m (20 ft.). The leafbases are densely covered in pale scales. It is tolerant of cool conditions and an occasional light frost. When small it should be grown in shade, but mature plants develop best in full sun or lightly shaded in drier climates.
Cyathea intermedia – Buy seeds at rarepalmseeds.com
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