Drimia physodes (Jacq.) Jessop식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2022. 11. 4. 08:49
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A species of the semi-arid southwest, plants of Drimia physodes are often aggregated in clumps, and produce a congested, sometimes capitate raceme of flowers with pedicels (8-)15-20(-30) mm long, these often deflexed after flowering if not pollinated. The lower flowers are often some millimetres distant from one another, but the upper flowers are always closely aggregated, forming a characteristic pagoda-like raceme at the start of flowering. The rachis usually elongates during flowering and in floriferous individuals may reach 100 mm or more in length. The scape is scabridulous-puberulous below, although sometimes only sparsely and microscopically so. The leaves vary from linear to lorate, (2-)5-25(-37) mm wide, and are either flat or lightly concave above, with the bases sometimes cohering to form a short pseudostem. Drimia physodes may be difficult to separate from D. depressa where the ranges of the two species converge, but D. depressa, from the wetter eastern part of southern Africa, has a glabrous scape, a persistently congested raceme with the flowers remaining tightly clustered, and the lower flowers often with slightly longer bracts, 1-4 mm long with a longer spur up to 6 mm long. Drimia montana from the mountains around Queenstown in Eastern Cape is a generally smaller plant with shorter pedicels, (3.0-)5.0-6.5 mm long, and forms bulbils at the base of the parent bulb and at the tips of the roots.e-Flora of South Africa
Drimia physodes (Jacq.) Jessop (worldfloraonline.org)
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'식물 > 들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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