
  • Geohintonia mexicana Glass & W.A.Fitz Maur.
    식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2022. 11. 2. 22:05

    국표에는 없다,

    Origin and Habitat: Mexico (Nuevo León: Sierra Madre). This species has an extremely small range (extent of occurrence and area of occupancy is about 25 km²). The area is essentially a single location. The estimates in population size vary considerably, with 100,000 being an agreed lower limit and perhaps over one million the upper limit.
    Altitude range: It occurs at elevations of 1,200 m
    Habitat and Ecology: This plant grows on gypsum hills on vertical cliff in the neighbourhood of Rayones, it is a soil specialist - a gypsophile. Now this plant is endangered, the wild population of Gehintonia mexicana was partially wiped out by "collectors". However, the population is extremely large and the collecting does not seem to be causing population declines at a rate sufficient to qualify for a threat category. Illegal collection is the main threat, however, now it is protected by the local population. The local population is safeguarding the species in order to sell it themselves.

    Description: Geohintonia is a monospecific genus discovered in 1992. It is a strongly ribbed cactus of unique appearance.
    Stems: Usually solitary, dark green/brown covered by a glaucous/grey pruina, globose becoming slowly columnar, up to 10 cm or more, 10 cm in diameter with a woolly apex.
    Ribs: Numerous (18-20) and well distinct.
    Areoles: Large, discrete, at first with long wool, later nearly naked.
    Spines: Few, very short (3 to 15 mm), triangular, curved, flatened and corky, soon papery a brittle deciduous. Easily detached from the base.
    Flowers: 2 x2-4 cm, rich pink to magenta and open during the day; they are born in on top of the plant. Pericarpel and lower part of the tube naked, white. Upper part of the tube with small acute scale, with densely hairy axil bearing 1 cm long white bristles. Stigma 5-6 mm long, yellowish white.
    Blooming season: Flowers intermittently throughout the warm months from spring to autumn.
    Fruits: Hidden in apical wool, ovoidal (approx 9x4-5 mm), thin walled, pale, drying and breaking off below the middle.
    Seeds: Oval, 1,2x0,7 mm, black brown, shiny, relief flat to low-domed. The hilum is large, basal and superficial.

    Geohintonia mexicana (llifle.com)





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