Garrya wrightii Torr.식물/들꽃-가리아과(Garryaceae) 2022. 10. 28. 13:04
국표에는 없다.
Garrya wrightii is a species of flowering plant in the family Garryaceae known by the common names Wright's silktassel, quinine-bush, coffee berry, bearberry, feverbush, and grayleaf dogwood.
The plant is native to northern Mexico and to the southwestern United States in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. It is found growing on rocky slopes and in crevices of cliffs, from 5,000–8,000 feet (1,500–2,400 m) in elevation.
Garrya wrightii is a shrub slowly growing up to 12–36 feet (3.7–11.0 m) tall. It has branches that are square in cross-section and thick, tough leaves.
The species is dioecious with male and female reproductive parts occurring on separate plants. Both flower types are borne in catkin-like spikes. They are green.
The fruit is a rounded purple berry under a centimeter wide containing one or two seeds. The seeds are dispersed by birds that eat the berries.
'식물 > 들꽃-가리아과(Garryaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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