영춘화식물/들꽃-물푸레나무과(Oleaceae) 2013. 3. 21. 20:36
과명 Oleaceae(물푸레나무과) 속명 Jasminum (영춘화속) 전체학명 Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl.추천명 영춘화 이명 외국명 Winter Jasmine ,キソケイ 꽃색
중국; 남부지방 식재.크기
높이 3m잎
잎은 마주나기하며 1회 홀수 깃꼴형겹잎이고, 소엽은 3 ~ 5개로 가장자리가 밋밋하다.꽃
꽃은 잎보다 먼저 피고 노란색에 판통이며 각 마디에 마주 달린다. 꽃받침조각과 꽃잎은 6개이며 향기가 없고 수술은 2개이다.줄기
가지가 많이 갈라져서 옆으로 퍼지고 땅에 닿은 곳에서 뿌리가 내리며 능선이 있고 녹색이다.http://www.nature.go.kr/kbi/plant/pilbk/selectPlantPilbkDtl.do
Jasminum nudiflorum, the winter jasmine, is a slender, deciduous shrub native to China (Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xizang (Tibet), Yunnan). It is widely cultivated as an ornamental and is reportedly naturalized in France and in scattered locations in the United States (Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Tennessee, Maryland and New Jersey).
It grows to 3 m (10 ft) tall and wide, with arching green shoots and opposite, pinnate, dark green leaves. Each leaf is divided into three oval-oblong leaflets which are about 3 cm long.
As its name suggests, in the Northern Hemisphere winter jasmine flowers from November to March. The solitary flowers, often appearing on the bare stems (hence the Latin nudiflorum, literally "naked flower") have six petals and are bright yellow, or white, about 1 cm across, appearing in the leaf axils. It likes full sun or partial shade and is hardy.
Jasminum nudiflorum is valued by gardeners as one of the few plants that are in flower during the winter months. It is frequently trained against a wall to provide extra warmth and shelter, but also lends itself to groundcover.It tolerates hard pruning and should be pruned in spring immediately after flowering; regular pruning will help to prevent bare patches. It can also be grown as a bonsai and is very tolerant of the wiring methods. It can be propagated using the layering technique.
https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Jasminum_nudiflorum2008.3.23 영암
2012.4.3 해남
2010.3.13 대전 한밭수목원
2007.2.6 제주도 분재원
2005.1.4 제주
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