Vachellia macracantha (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Seigler & Ebinger식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2022. 10. 25. 11:36
국표에는 없다.
Vachellia macracantha is a thorny, deciduous shrub or tree that is cultivated as a fodder plant, for firewood and as ornamental in areas within and outside its native distribution range. It is considered to be native to northern South America, the USA and the Caribbean, but its native distribution range is still uncertain. It has escaped from cultivation and can be found naturalized in disturbed sites, coastal areas and drylands, where it often grows as a weed forming dense thickets. The species also has the potential to modify soil nitrogen levels, with negative impacts on nutrient cycling and balances. It is listed as invasive in Cuba and Chile.
Small tree, the branchlets armed with small to large, solid, paired stipular spines, in youth pubescent to subglabrous, later subglabrous and prominently lenticellate. Leaves moderately large, bipinnate, the pinnae 8-60 pairs opposite on the rachis, many leaflets. Petiole about 1 cm long, pubescent, canaliculate above, bearing a longitudinally extended, crateriform gland slightly above the middle; rachis similar, gland-bearing only at terminal 1 to few rachial nodes; pinnae 2-3 cm long; leaflets linear or linear-oblong, mostly about 3 mm long and scarcely 1 mm wide, rounded or obtuse apically, obliquely rounded to subtruncate basally, glabrous or lightly pubescent, only the costa prominent; stipules modified as spines. Inflorescence of axillary, pedunculate heads, solitary or few-fasciculate; peduncles about 1 cm long; head orbicular, dense, less than 1 cm in diameter; floral bracts linear- spatulate, about 1 mm long. Flowers small; calyx funnelform, about 1 mm long, tomentulose apically; corolla tubular-funnelform, about 2 mm long, glabrous except on the prominent lobes; stamens free, about 3 mm long. Legume variable, lineal, reported up to 10 cm long and 12 mm wide, straight or somewhat curved, usually puberulent and glandular. Seeds 5.0-6.5 x 3.6-5.3 mm, smooth (Missouri Botanical Garden, 2017).
Vachellia macracantha (porknut) (cabi.org)
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