Mammillaria carnea Zucc.식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2022. 10. 24. 16:48
국표에는 없다.
Origin and Habitat: Mammillaria carnea is widespread in central and southern Mexico (Guerrero, Oaxaca, Puebla).The species is abundant and has high-density populations. Type locality: Ixmiquilpan, Mexico.
Altitude range: 500-2000
Habitat and Ecology: Mammillaria carnea grows on both plains and slopes usually in association with nurse plants. It occurs in tropical deciduous forest and xerophyllous scrub, cereus forest, tetechera, cardonal, mezquital, and in the margins of orchards usually interspersed with other succulents comprising: Echinocactus ingens, Myrtillocactus geometrizans, Pachycereus weberi, Neobuxbaumia tetetzo, Cephalocereus hoppenstedtii, Pachycereus hollianus, Stenocereus dumortieri, Stenocereus pruinosus, Escontria chiotilla, Pilosocereus chrysacanthus, Ferocactus recurvus, Ferocactus atrovirens, Ferocactus robustus, Echinocactus platyacanthus, Mammillaria schmollii, Mammillaria mystax, Mammillaria sphacelata, Mammillaria viperina, Coryphantha pallida, Coryphantha calipensis, Agave macroacantha, Agave marmorata, Plumeria rubra, Ipomoea arborescens, Bursera morelensis, Jatropha urens, Jatropha spathulata, Schomburgkia superbiens, Opuntia pubescens, Opuntia decumbens only to cite a few of the more common. The species is abundant, and although in many parts of its range the plains have been transformed into agricultural land and cattle ranching and some sub-populations are declining. The species is used as an ornamental.Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Pin-cushion cactus
RUSSIAN (Русский): Маммиллярия мясо-красная
SWEDISH (Svenska): Köttröd vårtkaktus
UKRAINIAN (Українська): Мамілярія карнеа, Мамілярія м'ясистаDescription: Mammillaria carnea is a rather robust cactus species either solitary or clustering with age. The plant typically has 4-sided angular tubercles with yellow, woolly axils and only 4 radial spines. It will reward the skilled growers with ring of fine flesh-pink flowers circling the crown of the stem.
Stem: Spherical, becoming elongated or cylindrical, thick, rounded at the top, bluish green or almost bronze colour, 8 to 9(-20) cm high, (6-)8-12 cm in diameter sprouting from the base when old.
Tubercles: 4-angled, pyramidal, distinctly angled, firm, milky, their axils usually woolly, the upper ones erect, general colour clear green, waxy.
Spines: Mostly 4 (occasionally 5), straight to arching, rigid, reddish or pinkish brown with black tips, the lower one 8-20 mm long, twice as long as the other 3.
Radial spines: Missing or reduced to bristles.
Flowers: Funnelform, pale pink or pale rose, 15-20 mm long, 12-15 mm in diameter borne in the old axils circling the crown of the plant. Outer perianth-segments up to 2 cm long, nearly erect, flesh-colored.
Fruit: Pear-shaped, obtuse, bright red.
Seeds: Brown.Mammillaria carnea (llifle.com)
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