Agave kerchovei식물/들꽃-용설란과(Agavaceae) 2022. 10. 24. 10:45
국표에는 없다.
국표에서는 Agavaceae (용설란과)로
에서는 Familia: Asparagaceae로
Agave kerchovei is a super rare houseplant 🌿 that needs very little water to thrive. They do best in long-lasting, direct light ☀️ and should be less than 1 foot from a window.
Agave kerchovei likes soil that is extremely well-draining. Your plant shouldn't need added fertilizers if you repot each time it doubles in size.
Scientific name : Agave kerchoveiGenus : AgaveFamily : AsparagaceaeOrder : Asparagalessucculent leaf plant of the genus Agave also known as Century plant, Agave kerchovei perennial evergreen plant, the plant dies after the bloom and the young plant grow instead and also used as ornamental and also drought tolerant, can grow in desert, subtropical, mediterranean, tropic or temperate climate and growing in hardiness zone 10+, with the right care overwinter can grow in hardiness zone 9.
Agave kerchovei leaves and flowers
Leaves color green with spines on the edges, the leaves are fleshy, the leaves grow in rosettes structure, the leaf spiny pointed in spear shape.
Flower color yellow, the flowers grow as on stalk.
Agave kerchovei - How to grow & care (growplants.org)
Agave kerchovei is a stemless succulent native to Mexico. It grows in rosettes spanning 2 to 5 feet in diameter and can grow up to 5 feet tall. It has dark green leaves that are sometimes covered with a speckled pattern or lighter margins.
The leaves have teeth along the edges except in the upper one-third and are slightly concave and tapered towards the edges. The color of the leaves can turn reddish-purple if the plant is under stress.
Agave kerchovei: Care and Propagation Guide | Succulent Alley
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